Living in such a beautiful city like West Vancouver which is filled with great neighbourhoods, it is important to know that there are a set of bylaws that keep these great West Vancouver neighbourhoods healthy.
The bylaw consists of 10 parts which include:
Part 1) Citation
- This Bylaw may be cited as Good Neighbour Bylaw No. 4380, 2004.
Part 2) Severability
- Notes on what happens to the invalid portions of this bylaw if determined by Court of competent jurisdiction.
Part 3) Previous Bylaw Repeal
Part 4) Definitions
- Notes on definitions that are used in this bylaw, correlated to the district of West Vancouver.
Part 5) General Provisions
- 3 Sections of provisions for citizens of West Vancouver.
5.1 Owner Prohibitions
5.2 Property Owner Obligations
5.3 Exceptions
Part 6) Enforcement
- Information on Bylaw Enforcement Officers, in the city of West Vancouver
Part 7) Order to Comply
- 3 sections of complying orders for citizens of West Vancouver.
7.1 Service of Order
7.2 Appeal
7.3 Default
Part 8) Designation of Bylaw
- Notes of designation and enforcement of bylaw.
Part 9) Designation of Bylaw Officer
Part 10) Offence and Penalty - Description of the offences and penalties for any West Vancouver citizen who violates a provision of this bylaw.
If you would like to read the entire bylaw, please see below:
If you would like to learn more about the West Vancouver District Good Neighbour Bylaw, or if you are thinking about buying or selling your properties, please contact Matt Gul, who is a top luxury real estate agent situated in West Vancouver, who can help you with all of your needs. To contact Matt Gul please call him at 778.888.8888 or email him at matt@mattgul.com